
Flyers & Brochures

Check out flyers & brochures designed specifically for Propane Marketers in our Propane Marketing Portal. You can even edit and customize them specifically for your business–online!

Flyers & brochures are important for events, sales calls and in your office or in the cab with every driver. Great for referrals.

Here are five useful ways flyers can help you promote your business or organization:

  • Bill Stuffers: Talk to other local businesses in town to see if they will include your flyer with their monthly bill statement mailings or other customer communications.
  • Events: Everyone seems to scramble to set up for events—even when they have known about them for months. Plan ahead and make sure that you have up-to-date sales flyers along with a good tent, banners and other show materials. We have just about everything you need to prepare for your event. Call Now!
  • Customer Communications: Include your flyers with any and all customer communications. Don’t limit yourself to using this as a stand alone piece.
  • Public Bulletin Boards: Place your flyers in laundromats, gas stations, grocery stores and on any public bulletin boards. Make sure your flyer is available in all of these waiting locations.
  • Pizza Delivery: Talk to your local pizza shops about sticking these to the tops of pizza boxes that go out for delivery. One pizza shop can sell hundreds of pizzas per week in take out and delivery.
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