
Cookie-Free Digital Display Ads

IP Match™ uses a patent pending IP algorithm to target and deliver Cookie-Free Digital Display Ads. The algorithm determines the IP address based on the physical location address. This is used for precise digital ad targeting at the IP/router level.

IP Match™ does not use cookies and that is revolutionary in the digital advertising world.This type of targeting is beneficial for advertisers because it allows for address-level consumer and business data to be used for developing a far more accurate targeting strategy.

Use IP Match™ for true address-level , cookie-less Digital Display Ad Campaigns. Since it’s address-level, we know which homes or businesses were in the campaign. You get address-level match back on responses and conversions. Stop paying for impressions and clicks. IP Match™ delivers tangible, actionable data on your campaigns.

Pair IP Match™ with direct mail for a multi-channel marketing campaign that reaches your prospects on their computer, mobile device and in their mailbox. Learn more about IP Match™ and Direct Mail on our marketing portal.

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